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October Journal Club

  • October 16, 2019
  • 12:00 PM - 12:20 PM
  • https://zoom.us/s/120612210

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AaEA Journal Club

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

12:00 - 12:20 pm

Location: Zoom

This month we will be discussing the Equity, Health, Resilience, and Jobs: Lessons from the Just Growth Circle by Elizabeth Sawin, Nathaniel Smith and Tina Anderson Smith.

Link to the article: https://nonprofitquarterly.org/equity-health-resilience-and-jobs-lessons-from-the-just-growth-circle/

The journal club meets the third Wednesday of every month at noon to discuss new and innovative evaluation topics. 

AaEA’s monthly journal club features an evaluation article from evaluation journals and the gray literature.  The purpose of these meetings is to offer an easy way for people to get a brief review of new topics, tools, and issues in the evaluation community. You are not required to read the article, but try to if you can.

So hop on the phone and sip your favorite beverage while listening to a summary of the article and joining in the discussion.

We look forward to having you on the call.

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