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January Journal Club

  • January 15, 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 12:20 PM
  • Zoom https://zoom.us/j/120612210

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Journal Club 

January 15th, 2019 

Time: 12:00 - 12:20pm EST

Location: Zoom https://zoom.us/j/120612210

This month the Atlanta-area Evaluation Association journal club will discuss  “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Applying Business Management Approaches to Independent Evaluation Consulting” by Matt Feldmann. The abstract for the article follows:

Independent evaluation consultants frequently discuss “how‐to” strategies to determine ways to start or improve their practices. Mostly this involves sharing advice on a range of topics such as how and when to set up a corporate structure, what accounting software to use, how to develop new business, and where to work. Such advice also should include information about business theory that more broadly orients consultants to business planning. This movement, from the “how” to the “why,” is imperative for long‐term business success. This chapter introduces three widely accepted business books that cover niche identification, market focus, business development, smart business growth, and the importance of generosity with networking. The reader is oriented to these concepts through Amy, a fictitious, introverted independent evaluation consultant, and her new consulting practice, EduEval USA. Amy demonstrates how to identify appropriate goals and her niche market, develops a marketing approach that is appropriate for a service consultancy, and begins networking with other evaluators and educators in her community.

Link to the article: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ev.20383

Citation: Feldmann, M. L. (2019). Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Applying Business Management Approaches to Independent Evaluation Consulting. New Directions for Evaluation, 2019(164), 55-67.

The journal club meets the third Wednesday of every month to discuss new and innovative evaluation topics. 

AaEA’s monthly journal club features an evaluation article from evaluation journals and the gray literature.  The purpose of these meetings is to offer an easy way for people to get a brief review of new topics, tools, and issues in the evaluation community. You are not required to read the article, but, try to if you can. So hop on the phone and sip your favorite beverage while listening to a summary of the article and joining in the discussion.

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.


Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/120612210

Meeting ID: 120 612 210

Dial by your location

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

The event is free for AaEA members, non-members, and for students/interns/fellows.  Not yet a member? Join AaEA at the event or athttps://atl-eval.wildapricot.org  ($40 for professionals and $25 for students, interns, and fellows) For event or membership information, please contact eventsaaea@gmail.com or membershipaaea@gmail.com


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