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December Journal Club

  • December 16, 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
  • Zoom

Registration is closed

Location: Zoom  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/323405496

This month the Atlanta-area Evaluation Association journal club will discuss  “Exploring Use and Influence in Culturally Responsive Approaches to Evaluation: A Review of the Empirical Literature” by Jeremy Acree and Jill Anne Chouinard.

The abstract is below:
Culturally responsive approaches to evaluation are emerging across diverse program and community contexts to address increasingly intractable social, economic, political, and environmental concerns. Despite the sense of urgency, responsibility, and moral obligation motivating the use of these approaches, however, empirical research on the implications of centering culture in evaluation practice remains scarce. In this article, we conduct a systematic review of empirical literature, applying the concepts of use and influence as an analytic frame to explore the impact of culturally responsive evaluation in North American contexts. Our findings highlight uses of evaluation which stem from findings and processes, as well as multidirectional and unintended consequences which are documented in empirical reflections and case studies. In our discussion, we critically reflect on our analytic framework, using the concepts, constitutive effects and sustained interactivity to broaden our understanding of the myriad ways evaluation affects programs, people, and society.

Link to the article: 

The journal club meets the third Wednesday of every month to discuss new and innovative evaluation topics. 

AaEA’s monthly journal club features an evaluation article from evaluation journals and the gray literature.  The purpose of these meetings is to offer an easy way for people to get a brief review of new topics, tools, and issues in the evaluation community. You are not required to read the article, but, try to if you can. So hop on the phone and sip your favorite beverage while listening to a summary of the article and joining in the discussion.

The event is free for AaEA members, non-members, and for students/interns/fellows.  Not yet a member? Join AaEA at the event or athttps://atl-eval.wildapricot.org  ($40 for professionals and $25 for students, interns, and fellows) For event or membership information, please contact eventsaaea@gmail.com or membershipaaea@gmail.com

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/vpYuc-mtqjIslO1ci4DQbcjd4_Y5Cw9guA/ics?icsToken=98tyKuqqrT8qH9Cctl_Ha7MqW4H5b_HIkX1h-6BUyDvUASNZZlfJD7dhJet4BfmB

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