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January Journal Club

  • January 20, 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
  • Zoom

Registration is closed

This month Chris Voegeli will lead a discussion of the Atlanta-area Evaluation Association journal club about his most recent article  “Predicting Clinical Practice Change: An Evaluation of Trainings on STD Knowledge, Diagnosis, and Treatment.” 

The abstract is below:

BACKGROUND:STD clinical training for working professionals requires substantial time and resources. Understanding the predictors of change in worksite practices and barriers to change will allow educators, learners, and clinical leadership to aid in ensuring learned practices are implemented and barriers are addressed. METHODS:Data for this analysis comes from the first standardized national evaluation of a CDC-funded clinical prevention training network, including pre-course registration and responses to immediate post (1 to 3 days)- and 90-day post-course evaluations from 187 courses. Univariate statistics describe the trainees and their workplace. Bivariate statistics describe their intention to change and actual change stratified by functional role and employment setting. Logistic regression identified predictors of self-reported changes in practice. RESULTS:The strongest predictors for practice change included an intention to change and attendance at a training lasting four hours or more. Functional role was a weaker predictor of change in practice; employment setting did not predict change. Over half of the trainees (65.9%, n = 912) stated their intention to make a change in their practice immediately after training. At 90 days post-course, 62.4% (n = 863) reported making a practice change. Trainees that took courses lasting four hours or more reported making a change more often (70%) than trainees from shorter courses (53%). We also report on trainees' barriers to practice change. CONCLUSIONS:Results suggest that longer trainings may result in more practice change than shorter trainings, recruitment of trainees should focus on those more likely to make a change in their practice, and future trainings should focus on organizational capacity building and assessing change at the organizational level.

Link to the article: 


The journal club meets the third Wednesday of every month to discuss new and innovative evaluation topics. 

AaEA’s monthly journal club features an evaluation article from evaluation journals and the gray literature.  The purpose of these meetings is to offer an easy way for people to get a brief review of new topics, tools, and issues in the evaluation community. You are not required to read the article, but, try to if you can. So hop on the phone and sip your favorite beverage while listening to a summary of the article and joining in the discussion.

The event is free for AaEA members, non-members, and for students/interns/fellows.  Not yet a member? Join AaEA at the event or athttps://atl-eval.wildapricot.org  ($40 for professionals and $25 for students, interns, and fellows) For event or membership information, please contact eventsaaea@gmail.com or membershipaaea@gmail.com

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